First Impressions

I didn’t write here for over a month now and I have good reason for that. Me and my life partner Ira moved from Israel to Australia, and now we are living in Melbourne. It is a big change for us, and this month we were all busy with the move, and only recently had some time to explore our new surroundings.

Here are some of my first impressions of Australia (actually it is not my first time in Australia, but last time was three years ago).

I liked this house because of its unusual colours… it looked to me as if it was taken from some fairytale, especially under this beautiful blue sky with white clouds.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

I saw many pictures of piers from all over the world, and here is my contribution to the world’s collection. I am sure that it is not the last one from me. I will also go back to this pier to photograph it under different lighting and weather conditions.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

Here is a very common sight in Australia – gum trees and parrots. I especially liked this photo because of the curved tree on the foreground and the fact that parrot’s posture slightly resembles that tree.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

The following photo is a view from the boardwalk on the Mornington Peninsula. The water colours are beautiful…

Click on the photo to enlarge.

A few days ago we went to the tulips festival and I couldn’t resist shooting some flower photographs, here are the ones that I liked the most.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

The following two are obviously post processed. The reason for post processing was that I wanted the viewer to concentrate on the form of the flowers in the left photo and not being distracted by their bright and vivid colours, and in the right photo I wanted to create a mood “appropriate” for the broken flower.
By the way, I did not break that flower! It was already like that when I saw it.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

The sunsets here in Australia are magnificent, especially if they come at the time when sky clears a bit after rain. Here is a sunset that I photographed from my back yard.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

And last but not least a series of three photographs I took at sunset from that same pier that you saw before. In two of the photos you can see Ira posing for me.

Click on the photo to enlarge.

That’s it for my first impressions of Melbourne. I hope I will be able to write and photograph more from now on and also I hope that you liked my photos.

Your comments are always highly appreciated, and

Remember, you only have to enter your name to write a comment!

Till the next time,
Take care!


5 thoughts on “First Impressions

  1. Zvika – super photki, molodez.
    Ya obajau vidi moria i zakati, eti u tebia poluchilis super.
    photka s vodoj ochen krasivigo zveta toje poluchilas’zdorovo i mezah takoj beskonechnij.
    Priyatno polubovatsia, nadeus u vas vse horosho, ya viju Iru otpustili 🙂

  2. I love the pier already. Is it for rent? I think I could die happy with my feet hanging over its edge.
    Wonderful place to be. look forward to the photos.

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