Interview with fashion photographer Oleg Igorin

Oleg Igorin is a fashion photographer currently working in New York. He has a pretty busy schedule but he was able to make time for this rather short interview. In compensation I get to show here quite a lot of his magnificent work!

Oleg Igorin

Oleg Igorin. Click on the photo to enlarge.

First of all a little about you.

5 years ago, in Moscow, I bough a compact digital camera and started photographing. My first models were my friends. In time I got many clients, and it allowed me to set up my own large studio Moscow that gradually turned to my own rental business. Half a year ago I decided to move to New York, which is the capital of world’s commercial photography, and now I am working on creating my own studio and making connections with people in fashion industry

Photograph by Oleg Igorin. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Were you always interested in fashion photography or this interest developed over time?

Yes, I was always interested in fashion and beauty photography. I liked to paint and now it helps me to feel better the photographs that I make.

Photographs by Oleg Igorin. Click on the photo to enlarge.

How would you describe your photographic style?

With my work I want to show the beauty of people and fashion.

What does it take to be a fashion photographer?

It is very hard work that takes most of my time. But this is also a very interesting part of my life.

Photographs by Oleg Igorin. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Do you find your models or models find you?

Models are the part of my work. They appear when I need them.

Photograph by Oleg Igorin. Click on the photo to enlarge.

And now to more technical questions.

When you are photographing your models on the streets of New York city, how do you do that? I mean do you just take the model out on the street, take out all your gear and shoot ignoring the people around you, or you make certain preparations, ask people not to interfere?

New York is very “photographed” city and shooting on the streets doesn’t take a lot of people’s attention. For me it is much more interesting to take shots not in touristic places, but in the real New York – places that are usually not crowded.

Photographs by Oleg Igorin. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Where do you prefer to shoot – in your studio, or on location, and why?

I like studio, and I also like outdoor shooting. But I don’t like shooting in interiors. I don’t like it when a certain interior “forces” it’s story on my work.

Photograph by Oleg Igorin. Click on the photo to enlarge.

What photo and lighting gear are you using?

I use Hasselblad H3D-II 31MP, and for lighting I use Hensel equipment.

Can you share with us some of your favorite lighting techniques?

I like to experiment with lighting techniques, making a lot of discoveries every day. And I think that every photographer needs to do the same.

Photograph by Oleg Igorin. Click on the photo to enlarge.

What advice would you give to beginner photographers that want to start in fashion industry?

One of the best way is to work as an assistant of fashion photographer. You will get experience, connections and self-confidence.

Photographs by Oleg Igorin. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Thank you Oleg for your time and for sharing these great photographs with me and my readers!

You can see more of Oleg’s work on his website

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