Life is changing

I know I haven’t been around lately, but it was for a good reason! Last week Ira and I welcomed our baby daughter into this world. So this post will be all about her, our dear Eve.

Baby Eve

Click on the photo to enlarge.

Being a photographer-dad, needless to say that already after one week, my hard drive doesn’t have enough space for all the photos I took of her. So I try to force myself to delete some of them. It is really hard, even when as a photographer, I see that the photo isn’t that good… but this is my daughter we are talking about!

Anyway 🙂 watching her for a while I saw that her face is constantly changing, different moods and expressions passing through like clouds in the sky. Sorting the photographs I chose a few of them to post here.

Baby Eve Baby Eve


Baby Eve Baby Eve


Baby Eve Baby Eve

Hope you enjoyed the photos, and have a nice weekend!

3 thoughts on “Life is changing

  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!
    Waiting to see more photos of Eve!
    She is beautiful!
    We are so happy for you!!!
    Stas and Anna

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