Street Candids

Lately I didn’t have much time for photography, so these photos are from couple of months ago.  First three are from Frankston’s waterfront festival.  And the last two were taken at Melbourne Central train station.

The following shot was planned. I saw this couple and was waiting for an expressive moment. I actually took several shots and this is my favorite.
One for grandchildren
I call this photo “Oh My God” :).  I was trying to capture some of the kid’s expressions while riding this… thing, so I made a few shots, and only later saw this quite interesting result.
Oh My God!
In the next photo I really like the hand gestures and little kid’s body language. It is a bit sad but very expressive
Hello and goodbuy
The photo below wasn’t Photoshopped – it is what you can see at the Melbourne Central station if you look straight up. In addition to the 3D effect, I like the shadow/light play on the building.
Coming at ya
The next photo was also taken at Melbourne Central.

That’s it for now. I’m off to shoot one of my favorite subjects – the Sunset!

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