The Last Sunset of 2011

Ira and I have a tradition – we always try to spend the New Year’s eve somewhere far from the crowds and close to the nature. This time we spent it on the Ninety Mile Beach in Victoria. There are small pockets of free camping areas in the bush along the coastline, and though we weren’t alone there, when we went for our sunset walk on the beach, there was almost no one there.

last sunset of 2011 #1

Click on the photo to enlarge.

The last Sunset of the year 2011 was beautiful! The clouds slowly changed colors from golden to light pink, and the waves created intricate ever changing patterns on the sand erasing our footsteps as if we weren’t there at all.

last sunset of 2011 #2

Click on the photo to enlarge.

I became fascinated with the different shapes that the surf left on the beach and kept taking photographs, and later I had trouble to choose between them, so in this post you’ll see quite a lot of them.

last sunset of 2011 #4 last sunset of 2011 #3

Click on the photo to enlarge.

I’ve seen many photographers writing their resolutions for the new year. Well I don’t have one other than keep doing what I’ve already been doing, which is “Think and become a better photographer”. And when you think, you might change your opinion on various aspects of photography making your other resolutions obsolete.  But you know, that’s only my opinion 🙂

last sunset of 2011 #6 last sunset of 2011 #5

Click on the photo to enlarge.



last sunset of 2011 #7 last sunset of 2011 #8

Click on the photo to enlarge.


Whatever your resolution for the 2012 might be, I’m wishing everybody a very Happy, Creative, Productive, Peaceful, and Healthy New Year!

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