Vision Driven Photography by David Duchemin

For two days now I am watching the live workshop with David Duchemin called “Vision Driven Photography” and I am fascinated by it!

Actually only recently I discovered the creativeLIVE website. What they do there is they have workshops, or classes with some fascinating people and broadcast them live. During the live broadcast anyone can watch the workshop for free, and they make it financially possible by recording these classes on HD video and selling them. And after watching this workshop with David Duchemin I can say that these workshops are really worth buying too.

This workshop with David Duchemin for example is divided into three days, one session each day. And the guys at creativeLIVE are pretty amazing – in between the session they repeatedly broadcast the recorded session also for free! So you don’t have to watch it at exact time it is live, you can do it at any time of the day.

If you read this post at the day that it is posted you can still watch the remaining parts of the workshop for free – just click on the link above

David Duchemin is a great photographer. You can see his work at and he also has written several e-books, some of which after seeing his workshop I’m definitely going to buy (on his web site they cost only $5 each!).

If you are not familiar with David Duchemin’s work, I recommend visiting his web site, and soon I’ll post reviews of his ebooks that I’ll purchase.

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